Sunday, December 19, 2010

Xanax Withdrawal

Xanax is one medication you don't want to mess with.  This will lead to Xanax Withdrawal if you decide to get off these meds.  If you are going through a tough time in your life, I suggest that you take valium for only a week - no more.  Valium is in the same family as Xanax named Benzos.  To tell you the truth - I would skip the whole medication thing and stay the heck away from it all.  They are very addictive prescription drugs and Xanax is the worst of them all.

I was on Xanax for five years and went through hell and back.  I developed all kinds of symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, brain fog and short-term memory loss.  My doctor told me to take Xanax three times a day.  I would take it in the morning when I got up - however, since Xanax generally leaves the system very quickly, I couldn't make it to my next dosage before experiencing all kinds of horrible symptoms.  So I ended up taking some between dosage and went back to the doctor, asking for him to raise my dosage.

The higher the dosage, the worse my symptoms were.  I needed something that would level me out - something that made me feel "normal".  I went back to the doctors asking for a medication replacement.  He gave me something called Klonopin, the sister drug of Xanax.  Klonopin stayed in the body a lot longer than Xanax and the symptoms seemed to disappear.  From there, I was able to taper off - but not completely - from the benzo drug family.

Currently, I am still taking Klonopin.  I take anywhere from .75 to 4 mgs a day - basically, as needed.  I feel pretty normal - but I still am tapering off.  I am in no hurry, I think that's the reason why I've been so successful so far.  I believe that to many people want off Xanax of Klonopin quickly, they taper off way to fast and have major withdrawal symptoms.  Wrong thing to do.  If you want off Xanax, switch to Klonopin, then taper off very slowly.  It may take you a few years - but you'll be glad that you did it this way.

For more information about beating Xanax and Klonopin withdrawal symptoms - see